Meeting Minutes 8-9-22
Leroy Township Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Township Hall – 1685 N M-52, Webberville, MI.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes.
Members present: Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Loretta K. Benjamin,
R. Scott Diederich, Heidi Ream.
Also present: James Utz, Lindsay Utz, Steve Moreno, Monica Moreno, Dennis
Dyko, Todd Benjamin.
The minutes of the July 12, 2022 monthly meeting were reviewed. Benjamin
moved to accept the minutes as presented. Support, Ream. Motion passed.
The Township Assessor position applicants, were reviewed. Griffes and Diederich
previously met with Scott Cunningham, owner of H.S.C. Services, Inc. After
discussion, Griffes moved to enter into a contract with H.S.C. Services. Support,
Benjamin. The motion passed.
The Choice Farm Site Plan, was reviewed. Dennis Dyko, Planning Commission
Chairman, reported on the P.C. meeting, July 20, 2022, reviewed proposed site
plan. After review, Diederich moved to accept the Planning Commission
recommendation to approve the final site plan for Choice Farm. Support,
Whitehead. Diederich-Yes, Ream-Yes¸ Griffes-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. The motion
passed 4-0.
After review, Ream moved to pay all bills as presented, including the cemetery
fence repair for $l,433.00. Support, Benjamin. Ream-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-
Yes, Whitehead-Yes, Diederich-Yes. The motion passed.
Motion by Benjamin to adjourn at 7:26 p.m. Support, Ream. The motion passed.
Wilma J. Whitehead
Township Clerk