Meeting Minutes 9-6-22


Leroy Township Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Township Hall – 1685 N M-52, Webberville, MI.

The meeting of the Leroy Township Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

by the Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes.

Members present:  Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Loretta K. Benjamin,

R. Scott Diederich.  Absent:  Heidi Ream.

Also present:  Shelly Hall, Steve Moreno, Monica Moreno, Dennis Dyko.

The minutes of the August 9, 2022 monthly meeting were reviewed.  Benjamin

moved to accept the minutes as presented.  Support, Diederich.  Motion passed.

The Planning Commission minutes for the rezoning of property, at 3537 E. Grand River, Williamston, were reviewed.  The Commission recommended to the Board

to rezone the property, owned by R. Scott Diederich, from C-3 to C-2.  Motion by Benjamin to rezone parcel #33-08-08-04-300-027, 5.65 acres, from C-3 to C-2.

Support, Whitehead.  Benjamin-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. Diederich-Abstained.  Ream-Absent.  The motion passed 3-0.

Benjamin gave Planning Commission report.  Property on the corner of Howell

and Dietz Roads, owned by R. Hamlin, plan on returning to Agricultural

zoning. The Wind Turbine Ordinance was reviewed and discussed.

NIESA report given by Scott Diederich.  Williamston station parking lot is in need

of repair and not in this year’s budget.  Vacant lot owned by NIESA, 2 acres, zoned commercial and residential, is being put on the market.  The student grants are

going well, the class fee is being paid, but student class time is not.

After review, Benjamin moved to pay all bills as presented.  Support, Whitehead.

Diederich-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. The motion passed.

Motion by Benjamin to adjourn at 7:28 p.m.  Support, Diederich.  Motion passed.


Wilma J. Whitehead

Township Clerk