Leroy Township Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Township Hall – 1685 N. M-52, Webberville, MI.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes. Board members present: Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Loretta K.
Benjamin, R. Scott Diederich. Absent: Heidi Ream.
Also present: Lindsay Utz, James Utz, Steve Moreno, Monica Moreno,
Dennis Dyko.
After review, Benjamin moved to accept the minutes of the June 6, 2023, regular monthly Board meeting, as presented. Support, Diederich. The motion passed.
The Township Wind & Solar Ordinances will be updated to include that the Board will have be finalizing the ordinances.
The Board determined that the proposed ORV Ordinance be a Board driven Ordinance and a legal ad will be placed in the local paper prior to the August regular monthly Board meeting.
John & Tracey Knoch have requested the release of a portion (1.62 acres) of Parcel #33-08-08-24-300-003 from the Farmland Development Right Agreement (PA-116). The parcel has a house and five miscellaneous farm buildings on it. After review, Diederich moved to allow the removal of said parcel (Parcel B) from PA-116. Support, Benjamin. Benjamin-Yes, Diederich-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. Absent-Ream. Motion passed 4-0.
A service agreement was received from TruGreen to provide Lawn Care Services from late Summer, 2023 to early Summer, 2024 at a cost of $5,230.00. After review, Griffes moved to accept the entire contract with TruGreen, for ground maintenance. Support, Whitehead. Diederich-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. The motion passed.
The use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds were revisited. The Library has asked for a new water faucet to be installed as well as additional storage cabinets. Some additions to the list were road maintenance and water and electricity installed, at the park.
N.I.E.S.A. Rep. Diederich reviewed the meeting minutes, for June 8, 2023. The 2022 Annual Audit was amended due to the new ambulance missing on the asset list and the audit was accepted. A MI Fire Equipment Grant has been applied for by N.I.E.S.A., with a possible $10,000.00 per jurisdiction.
The bills were presented for review. Motion by Benjamin to pay all bills as presented. Support, Diederich. Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Whitehead-Yes, Diederich-Yes. The motion passed.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Benjamin moved to adjourn at 7:42 p.m. Support, Diederich. The motion passed.
Wilma J. Whitehead
Township Clerk