Meeting Minutes 6-1-21

 June 1, 2021

Leroy Township Hall, 1685 N. M-52, Webberville, MI.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes.

Board members present:  Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Heidi Ream, Loretta K. Benjamin, R. Scott Diederich.

Also present:   Amanda Vorce, Larry Fulger, Dennis Dyko, Apex Clean Energy Representative, Shelly Schaub.

 The minutes of the May 4, 2021, regular meeting were presented.  After review, Benjamin moved to accept the minutes, with a correction of a first name, in paragraph four.  Support, Ream.  The motion passed.

 Larry Fulger was present and stated that he has obtained his electrical permit and an estimate to dig a new well and plans to have it started, as soon as their tiny house sells.  He is currently working on the home barriers.

 Amanda Vorce, new head librarian, of the CADL Webberville Branch, presented their 2020 annual report.  They have been working to provide hotspots for distance learning the Story Walk installation, in the Simmons Memorial Park, has been a big highlight and well received by area residents, with hopes to expand for a longer walk.

 The Board discussed the plans for Todd & Loretta Benjamin to apply to the Michigan Liquor Commission, for a license to sell beer and wine, at their farm.  The use might fall under the Right to Farm Act or under the Agritourism Farm Plan.  Griffes will check with the Township Attorney and Planner before a resolution is considered.


 N.I.E.S.A. report given by Earl Griffes, who attended the May 13th meeting.  The N.I.E.S.A. Board accepted the Standard Operating Guideline (SOG) for Rehab.  Also, discussed Website, Billing Ordinance, New Auditor, Federal Funding for State/Local Coronavirus Rescue Funds and Reinvestment of a six month CD.

 After review, Whitehead moved to pay all bills as presented and the remainder of the regular monthly bills that are received during the next week.  Support, Benjamin.  Diederich-Yes, Ream-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Whitehead-Yes.  The motion passed.

 Benjamin moved to adjourn at 7:42 p.m.  Seconded, Diederich.  The motion passed.


Wilma J. Whitehead

Township Clerk