Meeting Minutes 5-4-21


May 4, 2021

Leroy Township Hall, 1685 N. M-52, Webberville, MI.

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes.

 Board Members present:  Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Heidi Ream, Loretta K. Benjamin, R. Scott Diederich.

Also present:  Shelly Hall, Steve Geyer, Ryan Hitchcock, Caitlin Hitchcock, Brad Hitchcock, Sr., Brian Hitchcock, Allen Hitchcock, Lindsay Utz, James Utz, Nick Alexander, Larry Fulger, Jennifer Fulger, Steve Moreno, Monica Moreno.

 After review, Diederich moved to accept the minutes of the April 6, 2021 regular monthly meeting, as presented.  Support, Benjamin.  The motion passed.

 Mr. & Mrs. Fulger were present to updated the Board on their progress, to make their mobile home ready, to meet all the Township building requirements. They are in the process of getting a quote for drilling a new well and are doing electrical rewiring.  They are planning to be done by Fall.  Unable to eliminate any items, on the completed list of requirements, at this time.

 Rezoning of property owned by Steve Geyer, was reviewed.  Benjamin questioned that the proposed use of the property might require a Special Use Permit.  Ryan Hitchcock stated that they plan on outdoor sales and C-1 could fit better because nursery and landscaping are allowed.  James Utz stated that C-1 Zoning allows only indoor sales.  Motion by Diederich to accept the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the rezoning from RA (Residential Agricultural) to C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial).  Support, Ream.  Diederich-Yes, Ream-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. The motion passed.  A site plan review is required.

 Michigan’s Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreement between WOW (WideOpenWest Mid-Michigan, LLC) and the Township, was reviewed.  Benjamin moved to accept the renewal, with the current 3% franchise fee.  Support, Ream.  Ream-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Whitehead-Yes, Diederich-Yes.  The motion passed.

 Diederich gave a report on the April 8, 2021 N.I.E.S.A. meeting.  A change in the have a fee schedule attached to the Billing Ordinance and Rehabilitation Guideline Policy, were discussed. Representative Slotkin’s meeting, with Director Yanz, concerning the SAFR Grant Funds update for emergency department equipment, was positive.

 The bills were presented and monthly invoices from Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. included bills that were from another jurisdiction.  Griffes moved to pay all bills except for Foster, Swift and Collins & Smith, P.C.  Support, Benjamin.  Griffes-Yes, Benjamin-Yes, Diederich-Yes, Ream-Yes, Whitehead-Yes.  The motion passed.

 Griffes moved to pay the Township’s March invoices from Foster, Swift, Collins & Smith, P.C. totaling $494.00. Support, Ream. Benjamin-Yes, Diederich-Yes, Ream-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Whitehead-Yes.  The motion passed.

 Motion to adjourn by Benjamin at 7:32 p.m.  Support, Ream.  The motion passed.


Wilma J. Whitehead

Township Clerk