October 6, 2020
Leroy Township Hall, 1685 N. M-52, Webberville, MI.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes.
Board members present: Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Roberta M.
Hamlin, R. Scott Diederich, Loretta K. Benjamin.
Also present: Dennis Dyko, James Utz, Lindsay Utz, Sean Stocker, Kris Lycos,
Colin Kummerfeldt, Brian O’Shea, Heidi Ream, Debbie Schultz, Shelly Hall.
After review, Diederich moved to accept the minutes, of the September regular
meeting as presented. Support, Benjamin. The motion passed.
The Township has two vacancies on the Board of Appeals and received a letter of
Interest from Lindsay Utz and Kris Lycos. After discussion, Griffes moved to appoint
Kris Lycos to the Board. Support, Benjamin. Motion passed. Motion by Hamlin to
appoint Lindsay Utz to the Board. Support, Benjamin. The motion passed.
Apex Clean Energy, Inc. representatives were present to introduce their renewable
Energy Company and their proposed wind turbine project. Brian O’Shea introduced
Sean Stocker, who gave an overview of their company and their planned development.
The steps that will be taken are community development, wind and land studies,
power purchase agreements, construction and energize, and produce energy. The
audience had questions and comments. James Utz suggested that the Township
contact the Township Planners and Attorney to draw up information for all
Township residents and to get an objective view from them. Loretta Benjamin feels the
project will have an adverse effect on rural farm land and residents. Scott Diederich
noted that the public needs to get involved first of all. Dennis Dyko stated that feasibility
studies need to be completed. Shelly Hall felt that the people need to considered first
and property values will decrease because of the wind turbines.
Sean Stocker responses were that the wind turbines will produce needed clean energy,
the owners of their leased property will benefit financially, will increase jobs and
spending during construction and additional tax benefits for the community.
This was the an informational meeting and Apex Clean Energy, Inc. needs to apply
for a public hearing with the Township Planning Commission.
Trustee, Scott Diederich reported that N.I.E.S.A. meetings are still being held virtually.
Discussed the proposed alarm response requirements and budget public hearing dates.
DeLau Fire Services suggested that the Township Hall is getting older, that fire
extinguishers be provided for the furnace and computer rooms. Diederich will
check further to see if there would be an advantage to have them installed.
Motion by Diederich to table until next month. Support, Benjamin. Motion passed.
After review, Benjamin moved to pay all bills as presented. Support, Hamlin.
Benjamin-Yes, Hamlin-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Diederich-Yes, Whitehead-Yes. The motion
Hamlin moved to adjourn at 8:13 P.M. Support, Diederich. Motion passed
Wilma J. Whitehead
Township Clerk