Meeting Minutes 6-7-22


Leroy Township Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

Township Hall – 1685 N M-52, Webberville, MI.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor, Earl L. Griffes.

Board members present:  Earl L. Griffes, Wilma J. Whitehead, Heidi Ream,

R. Scott Diederich.  Absent:  Loretta K. Benjamin.

Also present:  James Utz, Steve Moreno, Monica Moreno, Bob McManaman,

Judy McManaman, Amanda Vorce.

The minutes of the May 3, 2022 monthly meeting, were reviewed.  Ream

moved that the minutes be accepted, with the addition of the support and

motion passed to the Township Receptionist paragraph.  Support, Diederich.

The motion passed.

It was stated that the Township Zoning Ordinance, Section 433, Wind Energy

conversion Systems needs to reviewed for updates.  Some of the revisions being

requested for the Planning Commission to be considered are the height, sound

vibrations and setbacks of the wind turbines.  The Planning Commission would

like the specific directions, from the Township Board, on the changes to be made

to the ordinance.

A moratorium for the acceptance of any Wind Turbine applications was discussed.  The Board agreed that the Supervisor contact the Township Attorney

to write up a moratorium, while the wind ordinance updates are being revised.

CADL, Webberville Branch Head Librarian, Amanda Vorce was present to give

their 2021 annual report.  They are glad to be back open again, to the public

since being closed for the pandemic. 

N.I.E.S.A. report was given by Griffes.  The DDA fund discussion was tabled until

the June Meeting. 

After review, Ream moved to pay all bills as presented.  Support, Diederich.

Ream-Yes, Griffes-Yes, Diederich-Yes, Whitehead-Yes.  The motion passed.

A proposal was received from G.W. Seal Coat to seal the Township Hall parking

lot.  Motion by Diederich to accept the bid to seal and restripe the parking lot, for

the sum of $3,600.00.  Support, Ream.  The motion passed.

Motion by Diederich to adjourn at 7:48 p.m.  Support, Ream.  The motion passed.


Wilma J. Whitehead

Township Clerk